Mikhailyuk, Sorokolat & Partners

Patent and Trademark Attorneys

Mandatory declaration of IP objects in Kazakhstan

Mandatory declaration of IP objects in Kazakhstan December 12, 2023

Mandatory declaration of IP objects in Kazakhstan

On January 1, 2024, the third stage of the universal declaration will start in the Republic of Kazakhstan. As a part of this process, managers, founders (participants) of legal entities, and individual entrepreneurs, as well as their spouses, should provide a Declaration of Assets and Liabilities (Form 250.00).

Various properties in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad, including intellectual property and copyright objects, are subject to declaration. If you own any IP objects, you must indicate this information on the second page of Form 250.00 in Section B, column 9, and also fill out Appendix No. 5 (F250.05).

Form 250.00 must be submitted to the state authorities by July 15 on paper or September 15 in electronic form through the Taxpayer's Account web application (cabinet.salyk.kz) or mobile applications e-Salyq Azamat, eGov mobile, Halyk.

We also inform you that the late submission of the declaration will result in a warning or a fine of 15 MCI for a repeated violation within a year.

For further advice, kindly contact registration tax authority in Kazakhstan.

Our specialists are ready to help you with intellectual property registration in the Republic of Kazakhstan and any other country of interest. We are always aware of the latest changes in the legislation and are ready to offer our clients the most profitable solutions.